Assisted Reproduction & Cryopreservation
Embryo Cryopreservation (ECP)
The embryo cryopreservation service allows researchers to freeze down and safely store mouse embryos. The service is recommended as a backup of valuable or discontinued strains as well as a means of sharing strains with other research groups.
Embryos for ECP can be generated by IVF or natural mating. Both wild type as well as genetically modified females can be used. Please contact us well in advance to assure successful planning.

What we provide
The CTM will generate and preserve at least 200 2-cell embryos distributed in at least 10 cryopreservation straws.
The CTM will confirm the viability of the embryos by thawing one randomly selected straw and either successfully reimplanting the embryos or culturing them to late blastocyst stage.
The remaining embryos will be stored at the CTM and turned over to the researcher upon request.
What You provide
You are responsible to provide a sufficient number of breeding age males and young females.
In case wild type females (C57BL/6) can be used as embryo donors, these will be ordered at researcher’s expense.
Embryo Cryopreservation
for Uni Basel researchers
- per Strain (not including IVF)
Sperm Cryopreservation (SCP)
The Sperm Cryopreservation service is a cost effective means of preserving mouse strains. The service is recommended as a backup of valuable or discontinued strains as well as a means of sharing strains with other research groups.
The CTM will use the male mice provided by the researcher to isolate and cryopreserve the spermatozoa in multiple (at least 10) straws. Upon reaching this number, one randomly selected straw will be thawed and the sperm viability will be evaluated in a motility assay.
The sperm stored at the CTM is suitable for strain revitalization by standard EMMA IVF protocols.

What we provide
The CTM will confirm the viability of the frozen samples by thawing one randomly selected sample and assaying the sperm motility.
The remaining straws will be stored at the CTM and turned over to the researcher upon request.
What You provide
1-2 fertile males at breeding age (>2 months). If possible, fertility of males should be assessed prior to SCP.
Sperm Cryopreservation
for Uni Basel researchers
- per Strain (10 frozen Straws)
In vitro Fertilization (IVF)
The CTM will use either fresh or cryopreserved sperm to fertilize oocytes from super-ovulated donor females. This procedure allows rapid generation of fertilized embryos for subsequent procedures such as strain rederivation, expansion or cryopreservation.
The price includes the work of the CTM and the required donor mice and will be added on to the costs of any subsequent procedures such as strain cryopreservation or rederivation.

What we provide
We will organize donor females and use optimized state of the art super- or hyperovulation protocols.
We will retrieve oocytes from the donors for subsequent in-vitro fertlization.
Generated embryos can be used for multiple purposes, including transgenesis, strain rederivation, cryopreservation etc.
In vitro Fertilization
for Uni Basel researchers
- per Series
Any prices displayed refer to internal (University of Basel) pricing. Please contact us for external pricing.